Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Stop Grinding Teeth While Sleeping

Some people are not even aware that they grind their teeth during night. This condition is also known as bruxism and is commonly affecting people during their sleep. Grinding your teeth while sleeping might cause some serious dental problems if not prevented on time, so if you suspect you have it or you feel some symptoms of this medical condition visit your dentist. Grinding teeth while sleeping can cause severe headaches and earache when you wake up in the morning, but that can be solved by choosing a good Bruxism treatment your doctor prescribed. There are numerous treatments for bruxism but only few are effective. Here are some that can stop grinding teeth while sleeping.

Behavioral Therapies – One of the things that can cause bruxism is the stress. You might be grinding teeth while sleeping if you have been under stress the previous day. Consider some anti stress therapies, joga, meditating or other exercises that will help you relieve from the stress and thus stop grinding or clenching jaw. Eliminate all the things that stress you out, eat well, avoid alcohol and smoking and sleep weel so you feel relaxed rather than tired next time you wake up.

Dental Devices – Ask your dentist to check if your teeth or jaw position is causing the grinding while you sleep. If that is the case you might try other good bruxism treatment such as wearing dental devices. Mouth guards or mouth splints help you keep the teeth apart and do not allow clinching or grinding teeth while sleeping. If that happens again, you might need to change the dental devices before you further damage your teeth.

Exercises – Exercises are a good bruxism treatment that prevents you from grinding. You could try to practice relaxing your jaw by placing the tip of your tongue between the teeth. Ask your doctor to recommend various muscle-relaxation exercises that will help you stop grinding teeth while sleeping.

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